Friday, May 15, 2015

Nothing wrong with the poweder

I agree powered alcohol has been around for quite a while now.  Is not illegal in liquid form if you’re the right age  because they sell it lately to adults. It was so harmful to the body be if FDA wouldn’t have approved it. They might oppose it, what did put money on the table by bin tags it’s all good, because that is what they do with liquid  alcohol. I think the accusations are totally wrong myself I agree with you. as long as it has the same restrictions as liquid alcohol, it shouldn’t be a problem. So what I see is that they’re making a big deal out of nothing. They should spend time solving real problems and not to solve something that is already on the books as being legal if you’re the right age. If a teenager his hands on this type of alcohol it’s only because people are selling it illegally anyhow. That’s how all right margins get their profit share even with serious problems not  Mediocre ones.  That make this world a better place and put our minds to Better  Use . so let’s not ban something, that is already legal but band the real Bills, that are bad for the economy.  I would say that it is evil as long as it is put to good use in the right way, alcohol does have its benefits by killing off certain diseases in helping people calm down just like marijuana drugs. Let’s make peace not war over something that makes no sense. I

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

                         Don’t slam the Gavel on a bad Bill

Hey, he’s stalking me so I can’t make bad Laws and get paid for it.  I found this piece in the Texas Tribune that I would like to talk about. John Beria the spokesman for the American Phoenix foundation, said known for deploying undercover cameras have been tied to a controversial question that target an liberal group ACORN an the former US Sen. Mary Landrieu. Which revealed the relationship of special interest lobbyist and possibly emitting to criminal Behavior. Getting paid to making bad laws for the lobbyists. He also spark several arrest in the past. Virtually he stated that they are making bad deals and he’s going to find out. He sneaked into the courthouses during the meetings on one occasion he dressed up like a power repairman and another occasion with Giles dressed up as a woman hooker. So that he can get this high profile sturdy out and into the public. To show our Lawmakers are not on the up and up. In one Situation he was single out and said to be a stalker, so the police could arrest him to solely keep him from videotaping them secretly. The plan was to release the videotape from a Austin Vignettes as opposed to a long document. He also tried to tie Wendy Davis to a laughing scandal about his disability but he had no proof. They say that it looked like the work from selected editing. I can’t say I agree with what he’s doing.  It all depends on the information that he has. Which we don’t know at this point in time, But if he does have information discrediting these lawmakers, Holden it to himself for later time, for now he’s looking like a bad guy with Giles dressing up like a woman hooker and a power repairman just to get this information when only a few people only been arrested. He going from state to state, so someone has to have money to spin just to have no information, that discrediting just two people. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Let’s make  it un sticky then

A Sticky Icky Situation It's about to get Right and un-sticky. You got your petition, I have mind LOL… the reason that it was illegal for so many years, that the federal government like the CIA was making tons of money off of it. Its been proven Ron Paul’s theory about the CIA illegal drug dealing. They gain to make Millions of dollars a year, with it being illegal then legal that’s why they always had the FDA stepping in saying that if this drug is not a chemical compound then it’s illegal.   Everybody wants their cut, You know marijuana is a herb or  Herbal, you can cook with it, that mean its beautiful and lyrical LOL… or you can just smoke it or have it in Liquid form, so that means its curing ailments in sick people.  I agree it should be legalized. Because it’s less harmless than alcohol itself and several other drugs. I don’t agree with the part about them lining their pockets because they are the ones who are truly killing the American dream. This problem has persistently being going on in our government system way before the Vietnam War.  Read or listen to this piece that Ron Paul speaks about on the CIA, click here CIA .  This is WADE34 signing out smoke yourself  to a healthier you!!!!!.....

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Sanctuary Cities Bill Heads to Full Senate

The Senate bill 185 will go in effect soon. If passed, It will allow the law enforcement to look into the files of immigration immigrants whenever they want to. So when police pulled them over they don’t know whether they are citizen or immigrant. That’s not good, just another way of profiling an individual. Sen. Charles Perry of Lubbock Texas Said it will cut funding for any governmental entity that allow blocking of peace officers from acquiring this information about the detainees or arrested. This sound just like racial profiling to me how are you going looking at in an individual and tell someone they are an illegal immigrant or a citizen? Sen. Bill 185 It talks about certain areas that can’t perform this around like schools and hospitals for example area , but it don’t talk about around their homes and in the neighborhood so they allowed to profile the Highway structures and theses areas.  Other states are starting to adopt this bill like Utah, Indiana for example as well as Texas, I believe this bill needs to be stopped because it will cause more harm than good.  They talk about how the bill past the veteran affairs and military installation committee 4 to 3. What we have to remember about these guys they check ID on every body not just by race so that’s a poor comparison of why a bill need to pass. That is my experience even today as EX-military soldier.  They say Dan Patrick’s tea party Senate an anti-Latino day disease. No one should let these guys put this, on the law books; some of the stuff they come up with is just very evil to even exist on law books.