Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Justify killing is on The Rise

The store is very interesting Dallas Observer Blogs,it talks about a man that killed a police officer and his name is Kent Williams Sprouse , Texas said that they are running out of drugs to kill inmates with on the death row. I find this very hilarious because they use other states as examples trying to validate why they should be given drugs to execute someone and at the same time these pharmacies drug company. Want to keep their names private so that no one would know that they have committed to the state given them this drug to execute someone. To give you an example they use New Hampshire lethal injection system and the backup is hanging a man. Oklahoma Senate has considered a bill that would allow the state to kill by asphyxiation with nitrogen. Etc. now that Taxes has been ordered by the pharmacy to return its pentobarbital To the pharmacy they bought them from, because they mention his name, he wants to stay anonymous. Now Republican Rep. John Smithee has done a proposal to allow manufacturers to sail lethal injection drugs and remain anonymous. I believe the targeted audience or the concerned citizens themselves in of this article. To show Texans what actually being done. If we don’t have a say so in this which I’m pretty sure we don’t otherwise these rules would be voted out. Texas agreed on go to the fire squad as a backup if it gets too hard to get these drugs. This shows you a number of things that are on the books that people do not realize that are going on i.e. illegal drugs to kill a person I’m pretty sure their not legal because they can obtain them on the market, the drugs are designed especially for killing. To be honest. This writer did his homework, just go to these sites for reference down below.  If I am right this writer does not want the approval of the drugs in the system. And I agree with it and it should be outlawed. Oklahoma Senate approves nitrogen gas execution; Death Penalty Informatiom Center.

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