Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Let’s make  it un sticky then

A Sticky Icky Situation It's about to get Right and un-sticky. You got your petition, I have mind LOL… the reason that it was illegal for so many years, that the federal government like the CIA was making tons of money off of it. Its been proven Ron Paul’s theory about the CIA illegal drug dealing. They gain to make Millions of dollars a year, with it being illegal then legal that’s why they always had the FDA stepping in saying that if this drug is not a chemical compound then it’s illegal.   Everybody wants their cut, You know marijuana is a herb or  Herbal, you can cook with it, that mean its beautiful and lyrical LOL… or you can just smoke it or have it in Liquid form, so that means its curing ailments in sick people.  I agree it should be legalized. Because it’s less harmless than alcohol itself and several other drugs. I don’t agree with the part about them lining their pockets because they are the ones who are truly killing the American dream. This problem has persistently being going on in our government system way before the Vietnam War.  Read or listen to this piece that Ron Paul speaks about on the CIA, click here CIA .  This is WADE34 signing out smoke yourself  to a healthier you!!!!!.....

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