Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Push the deal on the taxpayers

My blog is about the case of unpaid badge money or should I say fraudulent badge money, like the health and human services commission, didn’t like to the badges that they had to show people during investigations, because people didn’t take them  seriously,  so they needed new badges  that total $36,000  dollars and have a unpaid balance of 2,800 dollars for black leather executive chairs, that former General Counsel of Texas sales and service commission left unpaid as he exited with his letter of resignation,  saying that his boss  told him to do it. Because they want to look like police officers. The coin shape badges weren’t enough,  to be taken seriously,  The this is what I say. Don’t waste our money take it out of your own pocket, our taxes hard at work again on fraudulent things, who knows what else our tax dollars pay for.  So as he leaves out  the door  no charges will be taken against him because he  resigned early because of that fact.

This is just a piece of what they had to say “Gone are the sales quota-like performance standards imposed by Jack Stick, the embattled former general counsel of Texas' Health and Human Services Commission. And the agency is still debating what to do with the $2,800 black leather executive chair he left behind.”(Erich Schlegel)

 I recommend that everybody take a look and read this because it shows how our money is being spent. This is why our vote count putting the right people in charge of our state.

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